Throughout the year I have held a number of parent coffees so that parents could have an opportunity to participate in conversations about FWS. We have discussed a large variety of topics generated from parent questions and concerns. The new standards based report cards, RtI, assessment, interventions, Common Core standards, technology, afterchool clubs, the anti-bullying policy and allergy policies, are but a few of the topics discussed. Parents who have attended have appreciated the opportunity to participate in these conversations as they have left with a better understanding of what is going on at our school. They have indicated that they feel more comfortable asking questions and sharing concerns in this smaller more relaxed setting. The final coffee will be held this week at True North at 9am on May 31. I am hoping this venue will entice more parents to attend as True North provides a casual and enjoyable atmosphere. I plan to be at True North from 9-10am so please stop by for some coffee and conversation!
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