Friday, November 15, 2013

Weekly Bulletin - November 15, 2013

News and Info

  • Student pictures were sent home this week.  Please note that the classroom composite photos will be sent home after picture re-take day on December 2, so as to include as many students as possible.  If your child was absent on the original picture day, please have them prepared for getting their picture taken on December 2.  If you'd like to order additional photos, use the order form  in your package,  include payment,  and send back to school. If you are unsatisfied with your photos, send the entire package back to school on re-take day.  

  • Parents of 4th and 5th Grade Students: Our first concert is coming up soon! This year your child will be participating in the 4th or 5th grade Chorus.  All students in these grade will perform at two evening concerts.  The dates for these two concerts are- Wednesday, December 11, 2013 and Wednesday, April 16, 2014. Please put these dates on your calendar now. The Massachusetts State Standards in Music state that all students will sing, alone, and with others.  One of the ways we can assess that all students are doing this is through the Francis Wyman concerts. This is a large part of how the music department assesses each student. Therefore, a large part of your child’s music grade is based on attendance and participation in the two concerts.  If for some reason your child will not be able to make it to either concert, please contact us as soon as possible. Any excused absences need to be approved by the music department prior to the concerts.
    If you have any questions regarding our grading policies or other music related questions, please contact us or refer to our Francis Wyman music blog.

    Amanda Potts, Francis Wyman Chorus teacher 781-238-6812

    Lindsey Peabody, Francis Wyman Chorus teacher 781-238-6812

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