Friday, November 17, 2017

Weekly Bulletin November 15, 2017

Upcoming Events
November 22 - Half Day of School, 11:15am dismissal
November 23, 24 - No School, Thanksgiving
November 28 - Report Cards go home for Grade 1 - 5
November 30 - Parent Conferences, no school for students
December 7 - Grade 4 (6:00pm) Winter Concert
                                         Grade 5 (7:15pm) Winter Concert

Francis Wyman Spiritwear!  
Flyers went home with students last week, and we'd like to remind parents that orders are due by November 22, 2017.  To see all the items and to place an order, please visit Falcon Spiritwear.

Today we celebrated the culmination of our SOAR incentive for Self-Control.  Over the last month, the students earned 4827 SOAR coupons for demonstrating self-control in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, and bus line.  The students got to wear silly hats and enjoy extra recess with sidewalk chalk and a dance party!
Here are some pics of the crazy hats...


More Pictures from Grade 5 at Camp Bournedale...


Friday, November 10, 2017

Veteran's Day Assembly

Francis Wyman Honors its Veterans!
All Francis Wyman staff and students gathered together this past Wednesday to celebrate and honor our veterans who represented all branches of the armed services.  Across the grade levels, students sang songs, read poems and letters, learned about the meaning of our American Flag, and took time to personally say "thank-you" to each of the veterans that joined us.  We were honored to celebrate this special day with Fathers, Uncles, Grandfathers, and Husbands that took the time to join us for this Veteran's Day celebration.   THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!

Weekly Bulletin November 9, 2017

Upcoming Dates to Remember

November 14 - 8:45am - Grade 3 Thanksgiving Concert
November 22 - Half Day of School, 11:15am dismissal
November 23, 24 - No School, Thanksgiving

Congratulations to this month's SOAR award winners!

These students from all grade levels were selected by their teachers to receive an award for demonstrating Self-Control as part of our schoolwide SOAR values. 

In addition, Principal Pride awards were distributed to our students participating in the Service Learning Club and all the 4th grade classes for their active participation in the Bridges program.  Also,  Mr. Stead was recognized for his work in facilitating the development of our Francis Wyman school/community garden.  Thank you to all of these students and staff members for their positive impact on our school.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Weekly Bulletin November 6. 2017

Upcoming Events
November 6/7 - Camp Bournedale for Grade 5
November 8 - Picture Retake Day
November 9 - No School for Professional Development
November 10 - No School for Veteran's Day

A letter from the Principal...
November 3, 2017

Dear Parents,

We are excited to announce that starting in November, we will have a new member of our Francis Wyman “staff.”  Wilson, a black lab service dog, will be joining our team for a temporary assignment at our school.  Wilson is a NEADS service dog who is in the midst of his training, and we are lucky to be a stop along his way to becoming permanently placed.  Erin Wackell, FW Speech Therapist, will house Wilson and help with his training.  He will be available to all our students at teacher’s discretion.  Therapy dogs, like Wilson, are used to open communication channels with individuals who may be struggling in some way. The dogs also serve as a calming influence for students who may have anxieties.  Wilson will be with us for a few months and then permanently placed sometime in January after he completes his training.

If you have questions about the NEADS program, please visit   If you have questions or concerns regarding Wilson, please feel free to call me.

Nicole McDonald

Francis Wyman Recognizes "Self-Control" at our 1st schoolwide SOAR Assembly!
A huge THANK YOU to Officer Bernie & Officer Joe, along with his K9 partner Havoc, for joining the Francis Wyman school community today as we celebrated and praised all students for demonstrating our schoolwide SOAR values.  
Havoc demonstrates his amazing self-control as he awaits Officer Joe's command which will allow him to grab his favorite toy!

Do you want to build a scarecrow?

As part of the SOAR assembly festivities, students participated in a relay race to build a scarecrow using their teachers as props.  Thank you to Ms. Hayes, Mr. Rebelo, Mrs. Schultz, Mrs. Remy, and Mr. Poland for volunteering and taking part in the fun!  Students had to demonstrate self-control by balancing a ball on a tennis racket while walking up to their teacher before they could add another piece to the scarecrow's outfit.  Teams raced to build their scarecrow the fastest - and the winning scarecrow team was .  .  .  .  Mr. Rebelo!  Great teamwork, enthusiasm, and sportsmanship were shown by all.

Mr. Rebelo was happy to show off his #1 scarecrow!

Recognizing Anxiety in Children

Burlington Special Education Parent Advisory Council will be hosting a night with Staff Psychologists from McLean Anxiety Mastery Program. This is a unique opportunity to hear from professionals in the field who have been working with the BPS helping to educate staff on recognizing anxiety in students. As we know, anxiety is a normal part of childhood, and every child goes through phases. But, how do you recognize when your child is really struggling or becomes stuck in a negative cycle, impacting their progress in school and their social and emotional well-being? When children are anxious, even the most well-meaning parents can fall into that cycle and, not wanting their child to suffer, actually exacerbate the anxiety. 
Katie Thorpe Blaha, PhD and Julia Martin Burch, PhD will lead a discussion on: 

• Strategies for recognizing anxiety in children, including information about how anxiety can present in school

• Ways to support anxious kids at home that partner well with school-based strategies

• Approaches to communicating with your child’s teachers and school counselors, including what school-based supports might be relevant for children experiencing anxiety

This presentation is geared toward all students not just those students receiving Special Education. 

All are welcome to attend!
November 8th
6:45-8:30pm, doors open at 6:45pm 
(presentation begins at 7:00pm)
Grandview Marion Tavern
55 Center Street, 2nd floor