Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Weekly Bulletin - October 31, 2017

Dates to Remember 

November 6-7 - Grade 5 to Camp Bournedale

November 8 - Picture Re-take day*
November 9 - No School, Professional Development
November 10 - No School for Veteran's Day

*If your child was absent on picture day, their picture will be taken on November 8.  In addition, if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your photos, please send back the entire package and your child's picture will be taken again.  If you have any questions about Picture Re-take day, please call the office, 781-270-1701.

Francis Wyman celebrates our last Halloween Parade. Ghouls, goblins, emojis, and things filled the hallways...

The PTO put on a fabulous Halloween Party Friday night. Thank you to the PTO committee for throwing a fun and festive party!  We appreciate all your hard work.  The next PTO activity is the super Fun Run on November 5th.  Join us! 

Improvements in Reading Instruction, presented by Ilda Carreiro King, Ph.D.

Please join us for the next SEPAC meeting! The next topic for discussion will focus on reading instruction and development. Joining will be Ilda Carreiro King, Ph.D. Dr. King is a Developmental and Educational Psychologist and Reading Diagnostician who considers student data, student cognitive development, programs, and practices when analyzing a situation. She is known for being able to gain trust with students, parents, teachers, and administrators in collaborating toward a solution to school-based reading issues. She works at the individual student, classroom, grade, program and district levels. Through workshops, demonstrations, observations, and assessments, she develops a continuum of services, curriculum and techniques that help all types of students become fluent, strategic, and independent readers.

Our school district is fortunate to have Ilda King serve as a consultant in our district. Come learn more about how she continues to make an impact in our schools.

Wednesday, November 1st
Grandview Farm, Marion Tavern
Doors open at 6:45pm
Presentation begins promptly at 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Followed by Q&A, 8-8:30pm

Please join us! 

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Weekly Bulletin - October 25, 2017

Upcoming Dates
October 30 - Confidentiality Meeting for Parents 8:00am
November 5 - PTO Fun Run at FW
November 6,7 - Grade 5 Goes to Camp Bournedale
November 8 - Picture Retake Day
November 8 - Veteran's Day Service at FW 9:00AM
November 9 - Professional Development Day (no school for kids)

Below, please find the proposed school start times for Burlington Public Schools for the 2018-2019 school year.  School Committee is scheduled to vote on November 14. 

The Wheel of Wyman is Back!

First-grade students whose SOAR coupons were randomly selected had the opportunity to spin the Wyman Wheel and add additional letters to our mystery puzzle.  Students are doing an amazing job earning SOAR coupons for demonstrating "self-control" throughout the school and working to earn the mystery reward by solving the puzzle in the main lobby.  
Any Guesses?

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

PAC Meeting

Please join us...
The Burlington SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) is excited to welcome Allan Blume to our next PAC meeting, tomorrow night, October 25th

Allan is a retired associate professor of practice formerly of Simmons College, Boston, and a current adjunct faculty member at Elms College, Chicopee. He taught courses that focused on laws and regulations of special education, IEP development, transition, and inclusion.

He continues to consult to schools throughout Massachusetts regarding topics such as federal and state special education regulations, writing and implementing individualized education programs, disability awareness, special education process, inclusion, eligibility, Section 504, as well as assisting school districts with the creation and editing of their District Curriculum Accommodation Plans.

Over the past few years, Allan has been providing extensive consultation to Burlington Public Schools at all levels.

In his presentation to the PAC, he will talk about the work he has done in Burlington and will provide participants with insight into the IEP process, strategies he has provided for effective IEP writing and what parents might expect to see in their son or daughter’s IEP.

Please join us!
Where: Grandview Marion Tavern (2nd floor)
When: Wednesday, Oct 25th
Time: presentation begins promptly at 7pm-8pm with Q&A (8pm-8:30)

Friday, October 20, 2017

Weekly Bulletin - October 20, 2017

Important Dates to Remember
October 21 - Parent Academy, BHS  8:00am - 12:45pm
October 27 - Halloween Parade - 9:00am, parents invited
November 6-7 - Grade 5 Camp Bournedale
November 8 - Picture Retake Day *this date has changed to accommodate Camp Bournedale
November 8 - Veterans Day Ceremony, FW Flagpole
November 9 - No School, Prof. Dev. for teachers
November 10 - No School, Veterans Day

Calling All Veterans!
Francis Wyman School is looking for veterans among us to help our students honor those who serve in the armed forces.  If you have any family members who have served or is currently serving our country, please contact Mrs. Conley in the Main Office and 781-273-7613. We would love for you to join us for our Veteran's Day celebration.

This week at FW, Service Learning Club started their sandbox refurbishment...

Our service club members, led by Mrs. Casey & Miss Sullivan, select a service project that benefits our school and community.  Thank you to our student volunteers who are doing a terrific job sanding and repainting the sandboxes in our playground area.

Grade 4  - Rocket Day Success!

In addition...
You are cordially invited to attend 
 The Town of Burlington’s Veterans Day Ceremony 

Hosted by the Town of Burlington’s Veteran Service Office & 
The Allied Veterans Council 
 When: Saturday, November 11, 2017 Time: 10:00 AM  
Location: Town Common at the Veteran's Memorial.  
 In case of Inclement Weather:  If deemed necessary to move the ceremony indoors it will be held at: The Burlington High School, Wooden Gym located at 123 Cambridge Street. Use of Inclement Weather location will be determined within 24 hours of the event. Follow BCATT for any and all changes. Regardless of location, the ceremony will be on the same date and time.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Bulletin October 5, 2017

Dates to Remember
October 27 - 9am - Halloween Parade for all grades
October 27 - PTO Halloween Party, 6-8pm
November 7 - School Picture Make-up Day

FW Used Bookstore
Our Used Bookstore needs volunteers!  We are looking for three to five new volunteers to help with our used bookstore.  At this time, we do not have enough help to open the bookstore.  Are you available one hour a month on a Wednesday morning from 7:40-8:40?  You can bring your children with you.  Please help as this is a wonderful opportunity for our children to get the cheapest books in town.  All books are only 50 cents or they can trade a book that they already own.  Thanks for your consideration.  Please contact Donna Murphy, Reading Specialist, dmurphy@bpsk12.org or call 781-238-6859

3rd Grade Cartographers

Mrs. Zani's 3rd glade class proudly displays their maps of Burlington that they created as part of their study of the local Burlington community.  All students in 3rd grade explored the topography, bordering towns, and local historical landmarks throughout this unit.  As a culminating activity, students took a field trip to the center of Burlington where they toured these historical buildings and learned about their importance from local historians.  A reminder that we are so fortunate to live and learn in such a supportive community!

Service Learning Club met and planned their first service project... Sandbox restoration! The PTO kindly donated new sand for the 3 sandboxes on the playground.  The Service Learners plan to give the boxes a face lift with a fresh coat of paint.  THANK YOU kids!

Flu Vaccinations
During October, the Burlington Board of Health will be providing influenza vaccinations for children ages 6 months to 18 years by appointment only.

Flu injections are free to all children regardless of insurance status. They must be accompanied by a parent/ guardian.

To schedule an appointment, please call 781-279-1955. As per the CDC, the nasal spray flu vaccine (live, attenuated influenza vaccine or LAIV) will not be available this flu season.