Welcome to my new blog! It is my hope that Francis Wyman School families will find this additional communication tool informative and helpful.
I would like to start by sharing with you the link to the curriculum website of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education ( DESE).This website will provide you with information regarding the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. These frameworks are at the heart of the Burlington curriculum standards which are found on the Burlington School District website.
The MCAS test reflects the state frameworks. Together, the teachers and I analyze our MCAS test results by referencing the state and district standards so that curriculum and instruction will be designed to promote mastery of the standards. Released test items are reviewed and discussed so that teachers will be able to adjust instruction appropriately. Below is copy of the page from the DESE website.
Educator Services Teaching & Learning Curriculum Resources Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks
New Standards Search Tool
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is pleased to announce a new tool for searching standards, available at http://www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks/search/.
The new tool offers several new features that educators may find useful:
Users can search by framework, strand, topic, and keyword.
Users can search multiple frameworks and grade levels simultaneously.
Users can view and print only the standards they need for a specific purpose.
Users can view and save their search in several formats, including Microsoft Word, Excel, and Adobe PDF.
Here are a few ways that educators and parents might use the tool:
A new teacher wants to see the standards she needs to teach for a high school biology course.
A curriculum director wants to see the progression of standards from grade to grade for elementary mathematics.
Two teachers want to create a unit together, so they want to see all of the English and history standards for tenth grade.
A teacher just found a great book on whales, and he wants to see if it relates to the fifth grade curriculum standards.
A parent wants to know what his third grade child will be learning next year.
Last Updated: November 3, 2009
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