Friday, October 10, 2014

Weekly Bulletin - October 10, 2014

School News:
WANTED:  Parent volunteers for our Used Bookstore. We have the used bookstore once a month.  The commitment is for one hour a month on a Wednesday morning from 7:40-8:40.  You can bring your children with you.  I need parents to help set up the used bookstore in the cafeteria.  We spread the books out on the tables.  Then parents help students trade in books or pay for them.  Finally, we collect all the unsold books and pack them back up in boxes.  If you think you can help please call or email me at school.  I will email you each month seeing if you are available.  Thanks.  
Donna Murphy, Reading Specialist

Pictures of the week:
Thai Exchange Students Visit Francis Wyman
Thanks to the efforts of Katie Bercury, Burlington Social Studies Curriculum Coach, some of our students enjoyed a cultural performance put on by the visiting students from Thailand.  Students performed traditional dances and played musical selections using their unique Thai instruments.  We were glad to have the opportunity to share this time with our 
international guests!

Trinolka, Erin, and  Annabelle, 5th grade students, help share our PIRATE enthusiasm by working with Mrs. Kerr to create an artistic bulletin board display in the front lobby.  The bulletin board will show off amazing work completed throughout all grade levels.

Francis Wyman students and staff are sporting "pink" or "Patriot's" attire this week in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month and our favorite football team.  

Community Announcements:

Special screening of the film A Place at the Table

Join People Helping People with the Burlington Food Pantry, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Presbyterian Church of Burlington for a conversation and special screening of the film A Place at the Table on Thursday October 16 at 6:30pm. The documentary examines the crisis of food security, hunger, obesity and food access in the United States. The film will be screened at the church (335 Cambridge St. Burlington, MA 01803) at 6:30pm and will be immediately followed by a time for questions and discussion about the movie, hunger, food access and obesity in the Burlington area. For more information visit

BCSFDS - Adopt A Class Telethon
On TuesdayWednesday and Thursday, October 14, 15 and 16th we will be having our 20th Annual Telethon. BHS student volunteers will be calling local residents please make a donation to your child's class or to the BCSFDS endowment fund.  If you do not receive a call you can simply go to our website  and make a donation using a credit/debit card or mail in a donation payable to BCSFDS and put the class in the memo. Our mailing address is BCSFDS c/o Town Hall 29 Center St. Burlington, MA 01803. Thank you for your support.

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